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GreenHouse Effect
What is GreenHouse Effect?
Greenhouse effect helps in maintaining the planet's average temperature so that most of the lives on the Earth survive else without the green house effect the temperature on the earth would be remained constant around 10 to 15 degree Celsius. Before explaining the greenhouse effect in detail, let me familiarize you about it with an example.
We have experienced that our car is hotter inside than the outside temperature. This is because the sun rays come inside through the windows, get absorbed by the car seats, mats etc and hence the much of the rays can't escape from the car therefore creating the heat within the car.

Greenhouse effect is a kind of energy balance process that takes place on the Earth. The infrared rays of the sun are trapped in the earth's atmosphere and a habitable temperature is maintained on the earth surface. This process is responsible for keeping our world warmer and much lively. Without this phenomena our planet would be like Mars(lifeless). Any imbalance in this process will create many issues, like Global Warming, Species Extinction, Climate change etc.
Out of 100% of the sun rays which hits our earth atmosphere and the surface, around 70% is absorbed by the land, water, plants etc on the planet and around 30% is absorbed and reflected back by the atmosphere. Some percent in the 70% is also reflected back else our planet would be like Venus(very hot).
The absorption is directly proportional to the release, it means that the more rays the earth absorbs the more it releases.
Earth cools itself by releasing the rays back to the space. But out of these released radiations still many rays which comes in contact with C02, Methane, water vapors are again reflected back to our surface. Hence if more rays stay on earth warmer the earth becomes.
Therefore, increase in the density of the gases mentioned above can turn the goodness of greenhouse effect into the badness. And the density of these gases is rapidly increasing by the industrial revolution, pollution, population deforestation. And eventually the increase in all of these raises the temperature unexpectedly in the ecosystem.

How to Control Greenhouse Effect?
Controlling Greenhouse from becoming wild is to simply control the CO2, Methane. The Co2 produced by us is in abundant but our converters i.e, the trees and plants who convert CO2 to Oxygen(our lifeline) are not in abundant.
1. One can follow the Green Living Tips.
2. Drive less and Drive smart.
3. Grow more and more tree, plants.
4. Use less electricity.
5. Replace the light bulbs with compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. CFL's life is long and is less energy hungry, consumes less power.

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